Wednesday, July 15, 2009

San-Diego is a comin...and me on MTV, sort of...

Hey Gang!

Sorry for the long silence - the months proceeding San Diego Comic-Con are always hell on wheels! I'm putting a ton of work to bed (or trying to!) before jetting off to the pop-culture capital of this or any universe.

As the faithful already know, you can see me and all of the Mans of Action at our beloved booth, #2007, all weekend! Appearing with me at the booth will be Diego Greco, of the beloved (and somewhat late) Bad Dog, plus a host of other special guests! We'll have a sneak preview of Bad Dog #3 (it really IS coming out, guys!) as well as some other MOA projects.

In the meantime, I wanted to alert your browsing systems to an article that just went up on MTV about moi, Spidey, and a certain Merc-with-a-Mouth. Check it!

And god help me, I'm going to do my best to blog from San Diego and try to refocus my commitment to staying in touch with everyone by blog... because it would take way too long to come to your homes and touch you there...not to mention illegal.

Hope your summers are swingin'!


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