Segue to “Resolutions.”
This year those of you who have been patiently waiting WILL see chapter 4 of Four Eyes, Issue 4 of Bad Dog, and after that, even more of both! Watch the solicits for the upcoming Four Eyes TPB which will be followed by the next “chapter” in Enrico’s saga. Bad Dog will also move to a more consistent schedule, the exact details TBA, but I can promise you this – in 2010, it is my goal to ONLY solicit work that is guaranteed to come out when we say it will. Apologies to those of you who have been led down the primrose path of my pickled prose…but last year was a steep learning curve, and we learned our lessons well.
Also, blogging…whether or not I’m just yelling into the ether of the ‘net, I will be making a marked attempt to blog more and keep ya’ll up to date on what’s happening…which should be a lot…
On to “Revelations.”
Always the shortest segment of any missive, because who wants to reveal too much? But this year, you can expect to see a Horror anthology project from me featuring some extremely talented (and possibly disturbed) artists, a new creator owned action-adventure project, and *fingers crossed* my next project with JM Ken Niimura. (Yeah, the I Kill Giants guy, for those of you keeping track of one of the most lauded books of the year…just sayin’.) As promised in the proceeding paragraph, you’ll catch sneaks about these projects here, but they won’t appear in Previews’ til they’re fully baked and ready to serve.
Speaking of, a few fans have asked about the hold up on the IKG Hard Cover (linked above) - it IS coming, just a little late due to some production hold ups on our end. My apologies, but I think when you finally see it it'll be worth the wait. A gorgeous looking book!
On the MOA front, keep your eyes peeled to the Cartoon Network as any day now you should start seeing promos for our new show, Generator Rex. We’ve been busting our collective butts on this one, guys and gals, and I think it’s going to show on the screen. (You might also correctly surmise that this is part of the reason some of my books is so late!)
Lastly, count on at least one Hollywood related announcement that I am very stoked to share…how’s that for a cliffhanger?
And finally…the Rapture.
It’s here. Didn’t anyone tell you? The Apocalypse has come, proudly brought to you by THQ and Vigil Games in Darksiders: Wrath of War, the unstoppably bad-assed video game releasing today. The story, if I may say so, is insane and awe inspiring…and I may say so because I wrote the script with a sword dipped in the blood of my enemies! (Or in Final Draft, I forget) Joe Madureira brought me on way back in the day to help develop the story and write the script, and I had a blast working with the guys at Vigil. This game is going to rock your world, and I’m proud to have been a part of it – so if you’ve got the cash to plunk down and the inclination to see what happens when the Apocalypse really REALLY does come to Earth, pick up Darksiders!

More mayhem to come in MMX!
I've been reading comics since '78 when I was 8 and I Kill Giants is one of the best things I've ever read. I'm not usually a fawning fanboy but it was just that good that I've been telling non-comics people to read it and comics people not to live without it.
I was thrilled to hear of a hc edition coming out and made my normally reliable wife swear to get it for xmas...she dropped the ball and I thought all might be lost since the news was the edition might actually be limited (as opposed to limited to all we can sell like usual). I was then double thrilled to see the Titans Edition on Amazon. But not so thrilled that it hadn't shipped 2 weeks after I ordered it and that Amazon couldn't tell me what was up and the internet apparently had no idea if it had shipped, had sold out, hadn't shipped yet, would never ship...the news in your post that the hc is "a little late" was the first I could find. How can Amazon be taking orders without being able to tell customers if it's a pre-order or when/if the book will actually ship or how long we should wait before we freak out. This is terrible business.
Again, this is the first book that I've cared enough about to worry over. I don't pre-order...but I love this book more than anything since Frank Miller brought Batman and Wolverine back to life. It's important to me that it's in my library which makes it deeply frustrating that I have no idea if I'll get it.
Hey Proko,
Thanks a lot for the kind words - and for voicing your concern about the book! I can tell you definitively that Amazon is not to blame - the slow down came from my end, and I sincerely apologize for it. Both Image and Amazon have to work far in advance so that they can base a print run on the # of orders, and as a result there are sometimes unforeseen problems that happen in between ordering and printing. In this case, the unforeseen problem was me!
That said, the ball is rolling again, and while I don't have an exact date for you, I promise that the HC is coming out.
Thanks again!
Mr. Kelly, you I'll wait on with a smile :-)...I still have some beef with Amazon for being so opaque/obtuse, but as long as I know it's on the way I don't care that much how long I have to wait. It's especially gracious of you to answer personally. Given what your current career trajectory looks like you may be too famous to answer blog comments a year from now.
Not to kiss too much ass, but thank you again for's one for the ages and I expect to recommend my copy to my grandkids once they're old enough not to mark it up.
Yay!!! Bad Dogs coming back!
I was worried that you might have canceled it.
Which would have sucked, because it was starting to get really good, Your character Lou is really interesting (And not just because he’s a werewolf) I look forward to learning more about this character and his mysteries background.
Wendell’s fun as will.
Later days!!!!
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