Helluva weekend, gang!
First I just want to say THANK YOU! to all of you übercool guys and gals who braved the bitter streets of NYC to drop by the table. I can honestly say that any time I was at the booth I was busy, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate your kind words and enthusiasm for my work. I left the con energized in a way I haven't been for a while, and I owe it all to you.
Since the world hasn't stopped spinning just because I was hanging at the con, here's what's happing in the land of comics and such:
Four Eyes #2 is on sale this week...I think! We had a box of the long awaited issue at the con, and it sold faster than bootlegs of uncut Watchmen footage! As I told anyone who would listen, Max is busting his ass on this book, and despite some scheduling issues on our part, issues #3 and #4 should be out on a bi-monthly basis. Then a trade collecting the first 4 with a few extras, followed by a short break so we can bank a few issues and roll them out on a (hopefully)
monthly basis.
Max and I both love this book dearly, and are committed to seeing it rock your socks off as often as possible!

Bad Dog #1 has hit stands and is lowering IQs everywhere! Seriously, I couldn't be happier with this roll out, and I know that Diego loves the book as well. Special props to Thomas Mauer for making it all the sweeter with his lettering and design support! If you like nasty, raunchy, don't-show-respectable-people sort of books that have an existential crisis at their core, Bad Dog's for you!

I Kill Giants - What can I say...Ken Niimura flew all the way out from Spain to hang at the con and meet fans, and he was not disappointed. We were overwhelmed with the good vibe coming off of countless fans who've read the book. Literally people cried telling us how much they love Barbara, and I have to admit getting more than a little misty myself once or twice. It means a great deal to me that this book is having an emotional impact on people, so thank you all for your ongoing support.
In related news, we're releasing the IKG trade in May - a straight up collection there, just so you know - and then the Titan Edition hardcover in December. That bad boy will be a larger format and will include a ton of extras. We actually have a model for it in the French edition which dropped last month, and it's amazing.
Speaking of Amazing...
Amazing Spider-Man - Had a blast at the Marvel Mondo panel, even though I got there late and barely stammered out a coherent ramble about my upcoming arc with Phil Jiminez. However, those of you with the time, patience, and skills to read an article on-line can get some of the info at this CBR article
There's a lot more happening outside of the comics realm that I can't yap about yet, but rest assured that as soon as I get printable news about the wheelings and dealings that are banging around, you guys will hear about it here.
Thanks again!